The Final Game

April 17, 2024

Sonic SMS Remake is a series of fan games, with a controversial title. "Sega Master System Remake" or just "SMS Remake", is a new universe, with a new perspective on the original title games.
But why "Remake" if the game isn't? The answer is simple! We have a double meaning to this name (The game maintains most of the original aspects of the original title, only modernizing it with innovations and updates from the Sonic series over the 30 years and with a new story). The aim of the series is not to replace the original games, it is to bring an alternative version.

The first game of the Sonic SMS Remake series brought memories of the games: Sonic 1 from Master System, elements from Game Gear, also zones and references from Sonic 1 from Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

Next, Sonic SMS Remake 2, inaugurates a new concept for the series, team gameplay (co-op) and the variation of zones with vehicles and machines. Inspired by the Master System game Sonic 2 and also referencing zones from Sonic 2 on Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

Finally, Sonic SMS Remake 3, (aka Timelines) brings memories of Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble together (or Sonic & Tails 1 and 2) and also references to Sonic CD and Sonic 3 & knuckles, as was the case in previous games in the series .

Different from the first two games (Sonic SMS Remake 1 and 2), the third game is the true fan game of the entire series! With gameplay focused more on platforms and exploration, it will also be more fun and fluid than its predecessors. Inaugurating new aspects and creative freedom, like other Master System games within the game, in addition to characters never seen in 2D series. Sonic SMS Remake 3 is a new game, which will divide opinions among fans of the modern 8-bit series.

Starting with Time Warp, a zone selection area, with a glacial design, inspired by White Space from Sonic Generations.

3 Stages:

7 Special Stages (get 50 rings at goal plate)
Inspired in the Special Stage of Sonic Chaos (Sonic & Tails) and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. This stage is to collect as many blue spheres in exchange for lives.

7 Dimensional Stages (get 100 rings at goal plate)
Inspired in the Wreck-It Ralph arcade and the Marvel film series. After Master Emerald spreads the Time Stones in other realities far from Sonic's world, Silver is able to take his mind to different dimensions (other Master System games). At this stage, the player will be able to win other titles in exchange for a Time Stone at the end.

Bonus Stage (Rainbow Ring)
Inspired by the mini game "Tiny Chao Garden" from the Sonic Advance series of games, this stage is to fulfill the will of the animals that were freed from the badniks. The more happy animals the more points, every 10 points you get an extra life. There are also other challenges such as matching the pair of cards and pulling out the weeds in the areas.

6 completely redesigned zones:
- Turquoise Hill
- New Gigalopolis
- Egg Garden
- Ancient Desert
- Purple Winter
- Cosmic Base

Double bosses

3 final bosses

A new super transformation, called Ultra Sonic.

In addition to extra modes such as: Classic, Time Attack and Boss Rush. Just like in its predecessors, it will be possible to play with 2 players via local WiFi, the challenges: Grand Prix, Max Rings, Max Spheres and Get all Stones.

The game remains in development, with no scheduled release date. Follow the website for more news, betas and updates.


  1. João Araya uma Pergunta quem é esse 3 time por favor pode falar🤗

  2. new sonic mania 8 bit

  3. Hey, do Miles "Tails" Prower will have an apareance in 3 timelines?


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