Sonic 2: Final art

October 8, 2018


Sonic 2: Dev updates

September 1, 2018


Sonic 2 is still being designed! I created a new zone selection menu inspired by the version of Genesis and Aqua Lake Zone will have a similar color palette of Labyrinth Zone.


August 16, 2018

6000 downloads of Sonic SMS Remake!!!
Thanks to sharing videos on Youtube and others.
Great news and changes are coming... :D

New Green Hill

August 12, 2018


Sonic 1 - Beta 3

July 10, 2018

What's new in version (B3):
- Super Sonic (Starting with 7 Chaos Emerald)
- Special Stages (Not accessible)
- Emerald Challenge removed (Chaos Emerald on Special Stages)
- Vibration Effects
- New playable Zones
- New colors for Map
- New Jump Engine
- New Gravity Engine
- New Effects Test: Sky Base Act 1, Bridge Act 2
- New Home Screen
- New colision tile (bugs on Wall and Monitors)
- New tests (Jungle Zone Act 1, Bridge Act 2)
- New credits screen ("final" in level select)
- Some adjustments and improvements

Sonic 2: New colors

July 3, 2018


Super Sonic is coming!

June 13, 2018

Check out the first time of Super Sonic in the Master System:

Sonic 1 - Beta 2

May 25, 2018


What's new in version (B2):
- Songs with loops
- Zones with animations (debug mode only):
    Green Hill Act 2
    Bridge Act 1 and 2
    Jungle Act 1 and 2
    Labyrinth Act 1
    Scrap Brain Act 1 and 2
    Sky Base Act 1 and 2
- Adaptive colors for Rings (Sky Base, Labyrinth)

Sonic 1: Dev updates

May 24, 2018



May 19, 2018

Thousand and five hundred downloads, since the first version of the Sonic Prototype. Thank you all for sharing and for the opportunity!

BETA 2: Coming soon!

May 10, 2018

I stayed for a while without posting news about the project, but the development of the Zones is in progress, check out some screenshots of how it is getting: