Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic 3

Sonic 1 & 2 - Rev.4 Update!

September 18, 2024

What's new in version (rev.4):
• New interface (Competition > Game Select)
• Visual correction for all monitors
• Delete save game button in gamepad/keyboard mode

What's new in (Sonic 1):
• New secret area in Labyrinth Zone Act 1
(inspired by Scrap Brain Zone Act 3 - Genesis version and Chacanger Mod)
• Level Design changes for All Labyrinth Zones
• New gameplay option icon

What's new in (Sonic 2):
• Oil Ocean without clouds
• Improvements to Scrambled Egg Zone Act 1


  1. You and your team! Made this dream come true! Can't wait for Sonic 3 (Final). I always wanted to do a project like this one! In the end I never had the real courage to pursue my dream! So Thank You Very Much! Sega Master System Rulez! :D
    South America Rulez too! xD

    1. I'm glad to read this! Sonic 3 has a lot of new features in development.

  2. JORGE LUIS MARTINS DE LAIASeptember 19, 2024 12:53 PM

    Vc é incrível Arraya vc é verdade fã do azulão 8 bit Parabéns eu estou muito ansioso SONIC 3💖💖👍👍.

  3. Hey! the Sonic 1 update was amazing! also i can wait to see the next update of sonic 3!

  4. Great update, but I have one small nitpick. If the new stage is based off of Scrap Brain act 3, shouldn't the music be Scrap Brain's music?

  5. Finalmente uma atualização🤩 Ainda vou jogar, mas tenho certeza que está incrível?

  6. I hope Rev 5 (if It does end up existing) of sonic 1 adds rocky mountain zone from sonic 1 since it was cut from the genesis (I imagine the level design be a simpler sky high)

  7. 🤩 melhor jogo do Sonic 2024

  8. Just a quick question, can you move save files from the old version to the new version?
    If i can, how?

  9. It would a great idea adding rocky mountain

  10. Jošhuarski/VrabšherSeptember 21, 2024 4:01 PM

    Hello Araya , if there is going be revision 5 .
    I think it would be a great idea to add Chemical Plant zone between Sky High and Aqua Lake zones , and Metropolis zone after Scrambled Egg Zone .

  11. Então quer dizer que o Sonic 3 Vai Ter Cutcenes😁
