Sonic 1 & 2 - Rev.3 Update!

June 7, 2023

What's new in version (rev.3):
• Update 1: Windows cleared version
• New cheat code "Chaos Emerald Rush"
• New SFX and BGM volume options
• Gamepads fix

What's new in (Sonic 1):
• Options interface improvements
• Other monitors now move on the treadmill in Scrap Brain act 1
• Extra life monitor replaced to Eggman in Scrap Brain act 3 (Time Attack)

What's new in (Sonic 2):
• New cheat code "without Tails"
• New Special Stage time (1:30)
• Special Stage pause menu icon fix
• Time Hill act 2 bug fixes
• Aqua Lake act 1 very deep holes fix


  1. I like this uptate thx

  2. it will be cool if they add good ending game gear theme and its 16 bit remix in this rev3 of sonic 2 sms

  3. Por favor que en Sonic 1 sms remake le pongan música en 16 bits

  4. Muito satisfatório ver que os jogos mesmo depois de finalizados, ainda recebem constantes atualizações!!

  5. I'm finally going to play only with Sonic, thank you!!!!!

  6. João bem vc poderia adicionar nos seus jogos o teste do som(sound test) no sonic 1,sonic 2 e sonic 3 sms coisa que originais não tem tirado no sonic chaos e sonic triple trouble

  7. There's graphical glitching everytime I open the game. How do I fix this? Thanks

  8. does anyone know how to use joystick controls? i hate using the d-pad

  9. bruh. weres the sonic 3 timelines. pls realese this thing. its the only thing i want.

  10. This is all cool

  11. Caso haja um próximo update dos Sonic 1 e 2 SMS Remake deveria dar suporte a controles com direcional analógicos, modo sound test, botão de saída (Quit) e ter uma animação onde o Espio fica mudando de cor quando parado a exemplo do que acontece em Knuckles Chaotix do Sega 32X.

  12. Não sei do q e a atualização masssss vou instalar

  13. Will there ever be a mode in which you collect the emeralds like in the originals? So in the actual zones and not in Bonus levels.. I remember me and my sisters actually needing years back then until we got them all, since there was no internet yet. XD I'd be thrilled if yes.

  14. is a 3ds port possible?

  15. Esse é um dos meus favoritos


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