Sonic 1 - v1.4.H

August 8, 2022

What's new in version (1.4.H):
• New smooth camera view (from Sonic 3 SMS. Timelines)
• Switch player camera (Smooth / Fixed)
• New option menu "Players"


  1. Nos próximos updates poderia colocar a opção Sair (Quit) no menu de opções e colocar todos os personagens na cena final como uma banda quando se zera o modo Encore.

  2. For the next update make it to where you can have your own custom duos

  3. Sorry I meant when you turn off red shoes make it to where the tails has blue shoes

  4. We still reeeeeally need the option to move the camera down when you want to look down, cause there's a very limited area of view when you have to go down somewhere and becomes just a guessing game

  5. If this sonic mania plus 8 bit then it means about sonic 1 mania beta
    & there is mz & syz

  6. i think think a game gear mode will be cool like another way to play this game iben if you didn´t play the game gear port


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